Mmm: Top Round Roast Beef

I was driving up La Brea last week when I spotted something on the otherwise forgettable corner of Olympic — a food stand called “Top Round Roast Beef.” I did not remember seeing it before. Now, I will not soon forget it.

top round roast beef

I was surprised I had not seen it before; after all, it is in a neat little Googie building and it sells meat. A couple of days later I paid a visit and ordered a roast beef sandwich. I asked the cashier how long it had been there, and she said, “About three months.” That explains why I never saw it and it means my meat radar remains on high alert. She said it used to be a crappy donut stand, which is something I also usually notice, which means my donut radar is on the decline.

When I got home I did some research and it turns out a few allegedly big name chefs whose names I do not recognize or care about opened the place, with the idea of offering high-quality fast food at discount prices.

They succeeded.

The sandwich was delicious (if perhaps a bit too salty) and piled high — for $6, it was a bargain. It was so good I needed to go back two days later for another sandwich. This time I got the curly fries as well. They were also very good and they give you enough for three people.


I hope Top Round Roast Beef does well and remains in business. It definitely needs word of mouth to do so. The location is not particularly great, as it is in a place people usually speed by. They were smart to renovate the cool little building instead of demolishing it. They also painted it a bright orange, which will hopefully catch people’s eyes as they drive past.

Who would think you could get the best roast beef sandwich in Los Angeles at the corner of La Brea and Olympic?