Did you ever want to live like an ultra rich celebrity for a day and lounge on their luxurious Malibu beaches only to find that beach access was restricted, under the guise that they are private? Well, they are not private, and now a new app aims to allow the common man (and bikini-clad woman) to find out how to get on those sandy shores.
The company Escape Apps is building an app called “Our Malibu Beaches” that will blow the lid off of the private beach scam these rich folk have been pulling on us for years. It will pinpoint where we can access the beaches, which currently is a minefield of purposely hidden entrances and misleading signs.
The makers of the app have set up a Kickstarter page to raise $30,000 by the end of May to complete the job. The iPhone app has been approved, but is not yet available. The money will go towards an Android version and making the app free for download all summer long.
I usually don’t promote other people’s projects (unless it is in the form of a paid advertisement), but this one is worthy because it levels the playing field for all of us, giving us the rightful access we have to these beaches but has been unfairly denied to us.